For my walk ... U3A Nature Walks: April 2023
U3A Nature Walks - Harcombe Lane 10.00am Wednesday 19th April 2023 It was the best part of ten weeks ago that the U3A nature explorers group visited Harcombe Lane so it was an ideal opportunity to see how spring had progressed when the nature walks group met there for their April outing. The weather was a bit grim as we gathered with overcast skies, a chilly wind and some light rain but thankfully it improved considerably as we made our way along the lane with the sun coming out and bringing some warmth which encouraged a few insects to emerge from hiding. The northern, or sunny, side of the road is a continual stream of wild flowers along its length from the cross roads at the start to the cattle grid near Knowle House and with the trees yet to come in to leaf many were taking advantage of the light available to them before conditions become more shaded. As a result woodland species were in evidence with considerable amounts of dog's mercury, wood anemone, greater stitchwort, les...